December 2021

Which wedding shows that impressed you?-284

Why don't you turn your face with the actress on the wedding day? I really understand this. Doing our wedding and makeup business, I haven't seen many others, but we have seen a lot of weddings!
December 2021

Which wedding shows that impressed you?-283

So I told you in advance that she will definitely pester you that day, you Don't pay attention to her! I'm really annoying her.
December 2021

Which wedding shows that impressed you?-282

Is it because Guangling San is not beautiful? No, it's because of inconsistency. In other words, when you appear in a crowd in a distinctive style, being eye-catching and unobtrusive is not what you can do.
December 2021

Which wedding shows that impressed you?-281

We were surprised and asked why, and the bridesmaid replied, she drove back to school, brought the students in the class, and performed a show after the ceremony to cheer everyone up. I
December 2021

Which wedding shows that impressed you?-280

If you just grab your shoes and find a corner to squat down, hold your shoes tightly and don’t let people take them away, take out your phone, open WeChat or Alipay’s payment code, the money is more and less is the heart, mainly because I want to sell shoes to get rich, I lean on This operation earned back the travel expenses.
December 2021

Which wedding shows that impressed you?-279

At the end of the wedding banquet, the couple knew through the bridesmaids (3 of the bridesmaids were our classmates) that we did not have dinner, but the groom's family did not feel any apologies. Finally, we took the car for a long time and returned to the city. We ate a meal at Yoshinoya together, and then each took the train home.
December 2021

Which wedding shows that impressed you?-278

After getting off work, I went to the wedding happily. On the way, the little friend called and said that he didn't need to go.
December 2021

Which wedding shows that impressed you?-277

Then within a month, the little girl who was not 15 years old fell asleep with someone else. Ran. My second uncle went to divorce and asked for money.
December 2021

Which wedding shows that impressed you?-276

The coordinates are southwest of Shandong. Cai Li Gao has been on TV. The state has also severely dealt with the unhealthy trend of high-price gifts.
December 2021

Which wedding shows that impressed you?-275

That cousin just evasively lives and die. I went, and then I saw his son carrying a bag and quietly handing it to him. I knew it sitting at one table can only pack one table, sitting at two tables can receive two copies