Which wedding shows that impressed you?-254

/November 2021

Mine. Grandpa calculated it two days before my wedding. On the day of my wedding and going out, I had to "resign my land." That is, during the process from the bed in my natal boudoir to the bed in the new house of my in-laws, I can take a car, but my feet cannot directly touch the ground when I walk. There must be a red carpet or red paper to step on. Then, my parents didn’t think too much, they just prepared a red carpet from the door of the room to the door of the house, prepared for my husband to hug me downstairs (our 2nd floor), and then put me in the wedding car downstairs, perfect! That’s how the god teammates came. On the day of the reception, there was a lot of parking in the community and it was not easy to turn around. All the motorcades were parked outside the yard of the community, and the wedding car with my husband and I parked the farthest! When I was ready to pick myself up, the red carpet beside the bed had been blocked and the papers of adults and children entering the door were so crumpled that I couldn't reach it without getting out of bed! Then my husband picked me up directly from the bed, went out, went downstairs, ran across the length of a community, and ran through a caravan of 10 vehicles, finally he was able to let me down! Later, when I returned home, my parents didn’t go downstairs in time to witness my husband hug me for 500 meters. Basically, it was broadcast by neighbours, uncles and aunts in the same community: "Your son-in-law ran so fast with your girl, we haven’t. It’s too late to block people!" "I’m so good, you deserve to be a soldier!" "Your girl is not fat at all, but she is still a bit tall. The young man has good physical fitness!" (I am 164, weighing 51kg, wedding dress and Jewelry still weighs a bit.) When the team started, my husband said that his arms were a little sore, and at night he said that it was no problem.

The witness stood on the stage and reported the ID number of the bride and groom

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