Which wedding shows that impressed you?-154

/November 2021

My husband here is also the relatives kowtow from house to house, ordinary give 20, a little closer to 50. Later, when I went back to my family’s house, I heard that I was going to kowtow from house to house. My brother was very excited and asked me to collect a lot of money because my family’s kowtow was for immediate family members, and I gave a lot of money. , Made more than one thousand yuan

Yesterday I told my boyfriend and his mother about this matter. His mother said that we would give relatives to kowtow when we get married. I can’t understand why it’s not okay to change to bow when we get married. Why do we have to kowtow? Grandparents, grandparents, parents, and dead people kowtow. I said at the time that I could kowtow to them, and bow to them. His mother said I was so rude. Oh my god, if you get married, you just kowtow one or two hundred people a day. I can't commit a crime to a 50, 100 person. Which of the girls nowadays is not the one who grew up in the family, and hasn't knelt down to his parents a few times. If you get married, you will be a relative and kowtow? Which day of marriage is the most important time for girls, how good is it to be happy, why do you have to get roots for funeral ancestors? My family has such a custom, worship, elders must worship, kneel down for a meeting ceremony, take turns down, kneeling for more than two hours, dizzy, self-comforting, and a little bit of money at night, I feel better.

If you knock one or two hundred heads a day, you will give ten or twenty thousand. It’s not guilty. According to my dad’s temper, if I get married, someone would dare to let me kneel. There are only children under ten years old who would kowtow to the very old elders in the family during the New Year. After the age of ten, except for the kowtow for the grave-sweeping ancestors, I really have never seen kowtows for red envelopes. Maybe because of the different customs, so I think it’s for relatives. Kneeling relatives to give red envelopes, this kind of thing is very insulting, and it feels very dignified.

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