funny story in the wedding essay

/October 2021

Today, I attended a lively wedding, with more than forty tables of people gathered together.

The wedding hall, five colourful balloons hanging high on the wall. Everywhere with colourful flowers. There are also beautiful wedding photos of the bride and groom on the wall, the whole hall makes people feel very warm and romantic.

Everyone is anxiously waiting for the wedding ceremony to begin. As the music started, the wedding ceremony that everyone had been waiting for finally began.

After the wedding ceremony, I saw the master of ceremonies holding a handful of red envelopes, and I knew as soon as I saw it that I was going to play a game, and those red envelopes were the prizes for the winners of the game. I couldn't wait to get on stage to play the game, but to my dismay, the officiant invited the bride's classmates up to compete. They were comparing the horse stance dance created by Uncle Bird in the now worldwide popular divine song "Gangnam Style". The judges were everyone on the floor, and the performer who received the most applause was the champion*. The music of "Gangnam Style" came on and the competition started. Each of them danced very funnily. The emcee said the first contestant performed the horse stance like he was riding a donkey, the second like he was riding an electric car, and the third like he was riding a dinosaur ...... said we laughed out loud.

After the competition, we started to score their performances. Finally, the contestant from Changzhou received the most applause and became the winner. The emcee said, "She has the advantage of timing, location and people, ah, the champion is her."

At the end of the game, the emcee sang a song he had composed, "How are you, brother? Still holding many red packets in his hands, he sang while He walked off the stage while singing, and he threw the red packets to whichever side had high applause. We couldn't help but clap our hands hard to turn his attention to our table. We couldn't help but clap our hands, trying to divert his attention to our table.

"The master of ceremonies finally arrived! He turned his body and threw the red envelope with his left hand. At this time, Dad leapt and landed When he landed on the ground, he accidentally stepped on a thick and round wire and fell. This fall, the red packet was lost. Because the red envelope fell on The red envelope fell behind Dad and was snatched by a quick-witted aunt at our table.

What a fun wedding today!

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