Anecdote: Wedding customs in different countries are "big" different-1

/October 2021

Indian Wedding: For Sacrifice

  In the eyes of Hindus, the primary purpose of marriage is to fulfill various religious duties, of which sacrifice is the most important; however, a man must be married and have a son to be eligible to offer sacrifices to his ancestors. Therefore, in the wedding ceremony, the couple chanted mantras, prayed, and swears for this, and the husband made it clear with his wife: I want to get a son to marry you. The priests and others also wish for this


  Danish Wedding: Secretly Held

   What makes us strange is that the preparation of the marriage will take several days, but it is done in secret because the public preparation will offend ghosts or arouse their jealousy. At the end of the wedding, people carried a large jug of beer into the garden. The bride and groom held their hands above the wine jar, and then the wine jar was smashed to pieces. The married women present will pick up the fragments. The woman who picks up the largest fragment is destined to be the first to marry, and the youngest woman is destined to never marry.

German wedding: smashing bowls and basins

   The guests who were invited to the wedding, each brought a few broken bowls, broken plates, broken plates, broken bottles, and other items. Then they smashed and smashed desperately. They think this can help the newlyweds get rid of the troubles of the past and usher in a sweet start. On the long road of life, the couple can always maintain fiery love, lifelong companionship, and old age together.

Russian wedding: constant complaints

   Someone at the wedding banquet yelled "Bitterness! Bitterness!" Every time someone took the lead and shouted, everyone present would agree in unison. At this time, the couple would stand up and kiss them affectionately in public. Within a few minutes, someone would yell "bitter" again, and the bride and groom would stand up again, and once again use sweet kisses to calm down the "bitterness" of relatives and friends... This "procedure" must be repeated at least ten times at the wedding banquet. Several relatives and friends will give up. It turns out that according to the Russians, wine is bitter and not good, and it should be sweetened with a kiss from a newcomer.

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